Temperature & relative humidity Data loggers Rental in Puerto Rico

We provide calibrated temperature and relative humidity data loggers rental in Puerto Rico during the week(s) or month(s).

Suitable for data acquisition during your environmental monitoring and thermal mapping studies to measure and store up to 16,382 readings in a range between 0% to 100% RH and -35 to +80°C. Measurement temperature: -31 to +176°F.

Our services may include the data logger configuration, setup, extraction of the raw data, summary report with average, maximum and minimum calculations.

Reserve your data loggers and place your order online, now.  Express Shipping Available.

Contact us for advise and support calling at 787-487-9235 or send an email: sales@ciqa.net

!00% customer satisfaction. Dataloggers rental terms and conditions may apply.

Data loggers Leasing in Puerto Rico

What is a temperature and Relative humidity data logger?

Data loggers Rental
Special Price per Week

Regular Price $220.00 weekly
$ 109
per week
  • Calibrated NIST Traceable
  • Configuration
  • 20% discount
    on monthly leasing
50% off

Data loggers Rental
Special Price per Month

Regular Price $439.96 monthly
$ 351
per month
  • Equivalent to $87.99 weekly
  • Calibrated NIST Traceable
  • Configuration
  • Best option at lowest price.
20% off

Data loggers Rental
Setup and Reporting Service

Includes configuration, data extraction and report generation
$ 59
per datalogger/study
  • Complete service of data loggers setup, and data collection to prepare summary tables and graphs
  • Prepare summary table of all data gathered in the same Microsoft Excel spreadsheet file.
  • Prepare summary graphs of all data gathered in the same Microsoft Excel spreadsheet file.

The best calibrated dataloggers rental in Puerto Rico. How to find Dataloggers for rent in Puerto Rico. Dataloggers for leasing in Puerto Rico.

Data logger Summary report

Graphs and Table Report Examples of Environmental monitoring and thermal mapping

Dataloggers Rental in Puerto Rico

The best calibrated dataloggers rental in Puerto Rico. How to find Dataloggers for rent in Puerto Rico. Dataloggers for leasing in Puerto Rico.

Dataloggers Rental in Puerto Rico

Additional Data loggers leasing and rent are available for different validation, environmental monitoring and thermal mapping purposes.

Press this button for more details.

Thermocouples Calibration Setup.
Kaye Validator 2000 with Laptop, SIMS, IRTD, Temperature Bath and Thermocouples.

CIQA KAYE Validator 2000 for rent

For more information about data logger leasing in Puerto Rico
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The best Data logger rental in Puerto Rico for leasing near me for environmental monitoring and thermal mapping studies in Puerto Rico.

The best Data logger rental in Puerto Rico for leasing near me for environmental monitoring and thermal mapping studies in Puerto Rico.