Temperature & relative humidity Data loggers Rental in Puerto Rico
We provide calibrated temperature and relative humidity data loggers rental in Puerto Rico during the week(s) or month(s).
Suitable for data acquisition during your environmental monitoring and thermal mapping studies to measure and store up to 16,382 readings in a range between 0% to 100% RH and -35 to +80°C. Measurement temperature: -31 to +176°F.
Our services may include the data logger configuration, setup, extraction of the raw data, summary report with average, maximum and minimum calculations.
Reserve your data loggers and place your order online, now. Express Shipping Available.
Contact us for advise and support calling at 787-487-9235 or send an email: sales@ciqa.net
!00% customer satisfaction. Dataloggers rental terms and conditions may apply.
Data loggers Leasing in Puerto Rico
What is a temperature and Relative humidity data logger?
A temperature data logger is a portable measurement instrument that is capable of autonomously recording temperature and % relative humidity over a predetermined period of time. The collected data can be retrieved, viewed and evaluated after it has been recorded into the data logger.
A data logger is commonly used to monitor shipments in a cold box and to gather temperature and relative humidity data from an environmental control room.
Sampling and measurement are periodically taken and digitally stored. Some have a built in display of data.
Data retrieval can be done using an USB cable connected to a computer with the compatible software and drivers.
Data loggers can be used in diverse locations that cannot easily support fixed temperature monitoring equipment as: chart recorders, thermocouples or RTDs.
Data loggers are used in many applications, industries and laboratory situations where stand-alone recording is desired.
Temperature sensitive products such as: pharmaceuticals, chemicals and some foods are often monitored during shipment and logistics operations. Exposure to temperatures outside of an acceptable range, for a prolonged period of time, can degrade the product or shorten shelf life. FDA regulations make temperature monitoring mandatory for some products.
The main benefits of using data loggers is the ability to automatically collect data on a 24-hour basis. Once activated, data loggers are installed and left unattended to measure and record information for the duration of the monitoring period. Then, data can be retrieved to your computer for analysis, plotting and reporting results.
Data loggers Rental
Special Price per Week
Regular Price $220.00 weekly
per week -
Calibrated NIST Traceable
included. -
20% discount
on monthly leasing
Booking and Place Order Online
Terms and conditions apply. Limited time offer. 100% satisfaction guarantee.
50% off
Data loggers Rental
Special Price per Month
Regular Price $439.96 monthly
per month -
Equivalent to $87.99 weekly
Calibrated NIST Traceable
included. -
Best option at lowest price.
Booking and Place Order Online
This price is for the equipment leasing only. Configuration, setup, data extraction and report generation work is not included in this price.
20% off
Data loggers Rental
Setup and Reporting Service
Includes configuration, data extraction and report generation
per datalogger/study -
Complete service of data loggers setup, and data collection to prepare summary tables and graphs
Prepare summary table of all data gathered in the same Microsoft Excel spreadsheet file.
Prepare summary graphs of all data gathered in the same Microsoft Excel spreadsheet file.
Booking and Place Order Online
Configuration and report generation is performed in our site. Terms and conditions apply. Limited time offer. 100% satisfaction guarantee. No contracts.